Home win for Jochems: ‘Flying’ on opening day of Longines Global Champions Tour of Valkenswaard

It was only milliseconds in it but Kevin Jochems secured a home win on the opening day of the Longines Global Champions Tour of Valkenswaard onboard Flying Jackie in 61.03 seconds. Just 0.05 seconds behind the Dutchman was the on-form Richard Vogel and Phenyo van het Keysersbos setting it up for an epic weekend of electrifying sport and entertainment at the Longines Tops International Arena. Known for his speed Simon Delestre couldn’t quite match the pace of Jochems to stop the clock in 61.48 seconds with 9-year-old Crack d’Aiguilly Z.

The scenic Valkenswaard and the Longines Tops International Arena hosted an unforgettable first day of Longines Global Champions Tour of Valkenswaard with the thrilling CSI5* 1.45m speed class that kept the audience on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

Speaking of his home win Kevin Jochems told GCTV: “This is my first CSI5* of the summer so it is super special to win especially in my home country. I did my own round today just keeping it fast and smooth and I am really glad to have a horse like her. It is a great start to the weekend here!”

A start list of over 45 starters saw a plethora of top jumping talent take on the pristine grass arena with a testing track from start to finish built by Uliano Vizzani. A total of 22 clear rounds meant riders had to go flat out if they wanted to take home a portion of the prize money.

With less than half a second between the top four Nicola Philippaerts slid into fourth place on Derby de Riverland after keeping it tight around the expansive grass arena. Pius Schwizer and Vancouver de Lanlore nearly made it onto the podium but a slightly wider rollback caused them to finish in 62.49 seconds to take home a top 5 finish overall.

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Interestingly some top combinations opted for steady rounds picking up time faults clearly saving their horses for the big weekend ahead with the likes of previous LGCT Grand Prix of Valkenswaard winners Michael Pender on HHS Los Angeles, Sophie Hinners with Iron Dames my Prins and Lorenzo de Luca riding Denver de Talma all opting for this tactic.

Late to go in the class it looked like Eduardo Pereira De Menezes would easily steal the win on Calypso des Matis but a late pole meant he crashed out of the race as Jochems watched on and looked relieved that no one could match his pace while keeping all the fences up.

There were shock surprises from world number one Henrik von Eckermann and last year’s LGCT Grand Prix of Valkenswaard winner Sanne Thijssen both finishing with multiple poles down leaving them right down the bottom of the order.

After taking his ever LGCT win earlier today in the CSI5* two phase Francesco Turturiello finished with another solid time to take a top 10 finish and local man Harrie Smolders bought out the iconic Darry Lou to jump a foot perfect clear and stop the clock in 63.89 seconds – good enough for 8th place.

Big names like Scott Brash with Hello Valentino, Gregory Wathelet on the consistent Nevados S, Edwina Tops-Alexander riding Fellow Castlefield and Max Kuhner on Eic Julius Caesar all just missed out on the prize money but kept the rails up filling them with confidence ahead of tomorrow’s GCL of Valkenswaard.

The Longines Global Champions Tour of Valkenswaard is set to be a busy weekend once again delivering a sensational experience, appealing not just to the equestrian community but also to families looking for a weekend of world-class entertainment. With exhilarating competition, captivating performances, and a warm atmosphere, the event created lasting memories for all who attended.

“mdmar” website for horse races and equestrian News

The “Mdmar” website for horse and equestrian races is keen to cover and follow all competitions related to horses, from show jumping, Horseracing, speed and endurance races, and purebred Arabian horse beauty shows, which belong to the Arab Gulf countries at home and abroad in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the State of Qatar, the State of Kuwait, the Sultanate of Oman, and the Kingdom of Bahrain.